EVRC Race League

The EVRC Race League is a way for club members to compete against each other throughout the year, even if they are not running in the same race.

Points are awarded according to position and added-up through the year. All times are age-adjusted. Members can play one ‘joker’ a year – notify a committee member at least 24 hours in advance of the race and your points will be doubled.

The winners are announced at the club’s annual Christmas party.

Park run (Short) League

For 2023 the Short League comprises of nearby parkruns and short races. Your best 6 of 10 events to count.

20th JanWoodgate Valley Country Park parkrun
17th FebWarwick Racecourse parkrun
23rd MarArrow Valley parkrun
20th AprSevern Bridge parkrun
May TBATBA Inkberrow Relay (individual results)
15th JunChippenham Playing Fields parkrun
20th JulCheltenham Pittville parkrun
Aug TBATBA Worcester Festival 5K
Sept TBATBA Meteor Mile or Alderton 5K – TBD
19th OctWorcester Pitchcroft parkrun

Race (Long) League

In 2022 the Long League will comprise a range of races in the local area. Your best 7 of 12 events to count.

7th JanFladbury Festive 5
25th FebBourton 10k
17th March Pendock Spring Chicken 10k
14th AprilKymin Dash
May TBACrowle 10k
Jun TBAMalvern Joggers 10k
Jun TBAGloucester 10k
25th AugPershore 10k
29th SepStratford half Marathon
Oct TBAAlcester 10k
Jan – OctMarathon of your choice
Jan – OctHalf Marathon of your choice

Extra information

All dates are provisional and subject to change at this point but will be confirmed as soon as the various event organisers confirm dates and open entries.

The committee have agreed to make some changes to the rules for 2024 in an attempt to make the leagues more competitive:

  1. Results will no longer be adjusted according to age adjustment factors. Instead we are implementing a handicap system similar to that used in golf. The faster you get the lower your handicap will become. The higher your handicap the bigger assist you receive to your race times. We will post more details on this shortly but we hope that this will make the results much closer.
  2. The number of qualifying events you need to do is being reduced slightly so for Long league instead of your best 8 results from 12 events, it will be your best 7 from 12 and Short league will be best 6 from 10.
  3. The short league will no longer be entirely parkrun’s and now includes a couple of races.

We look forward to racing with you in 2024.