IMPORTANT: New format club runs and efforts sessions are back
The core of our fitness and friendship – meeting regularly for a local Evesham run. Some attend religiously, others duck in and out as they feel. If you’re not a member of the club, feel free to join us for a week or two to see how you might fit in.
All official club runs are now scheduled and booked using the My Running Club app.
You can download the app to your phone/tablet or use the webpage on a computer to register. Please sign up with the name and email address you have registered with the club.
iPhone :-
Android :-…
Website :-
If you are not a member of the club please use the Contact us function on this site and we can set you up on the app with temporary access so that you can come and try out before committing to join the club.
Scheduled club runs and efforts sessions can be found under the “Training” section of the app. All runs are led by a qualified (LiRF) run leader and there are normally groups to suit all paces. Groups are limited to 12 runners plus the run leader and will normally be 45-60 minutes with pace groups of 8-9 min miles, 9-10 min miles etc.
Club runs normally happen on Monday evening starting at 6.30pm. Details of each run such as the meeting point, start time, route and expected pace will be displayed in the app. Once a month we try to coordinate all of the groups so that start/finish times and locations are the same. This allows us to do club announcements and updates etc. before the run starts and meet up afterwards for a social drink and chat.
Efforts sessions are normally on Wednesday and are scheduled and booked just like the club runs using the app. Efforts sessions are also led by a qualified club member and will focus on aspects of running like speed or hills. Suitable for all abilities they are hard work, but very rewarding.
As well as the official club runs and efforts sessions there are lots of social runs happening during the week and at weekends. Keep an eye on the club facebook page for these.
Guidelines for Safe Running on Club Nights
All runners must take personal responsibility for their own safety, whilst keeping a watchful eye on others running in the same group.
The following guidelines will be followed by all runners:
- When running in the dark runners must wear high visibility jackets and lights if specified by the run leader as a session requirement on the app. Be aware that drivers may find it difficult to see you if you are not highly visible.
- Ensure you have added your ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) details to the My Running Club app.
- Head/earphones playing music must not be worn whilst on club runs.
- Join a club run group at a pace suitable to your personal speed and distance via the My Running Club app.
- The run leader will put a club run on the My Running Club app and is responsible for checking the runners on the app at the start and end of the run.
- If possible, at least one member of a group, in addition to the run leader, should carry a mobile phone.
- Take particular care when crossing side roads and driveways.
- If anyone decides to leave the group whilst out on the run, they MUST inform the Group Leader. It is very important that checks are made throughout the run to ensure that no one is left behind.
- In the event of an incident, check that anyone injured is kept safe and comfortable. If appropriate contact emergency services, using 112 or 999 depending on severity. If relevant, someone should be nominated to return to the running club meeting point (outlined in the group run on the My Running Club app.) with them.
- If necessary, phone the ICE contact of the injured runner. Any incidents must be reported to the committee.
- EVRC’s Public Liability insurance (cover for negligence resulting in third party injury or third party property damage) is arranged through the affiliation with UK Athletics (UKA). In line with UKA’s standard terms and conditions, cover does not apply to members running individually, or to member-organised runs (arranged informally via the club Facebook page or club website). For full details of UKA insurance arrangements please contact the committee. Please note that this is Public Liability Insurance only and it is the member’s own responsibility, and choice, to insure themselves against personal accident.
Thank you for helping keep EVRC a safe and friendly club.
Training on other occasions
- Personal safety is paramount -please don’t take unnecessary risks just to run
- If out training alone, let someone know where you are going and roughly when you expect to return
- Carry an ICE number –‘In Case of Emergency’ who to contact e.g. home.
- Make sure you have a mobile phone which is charged, has credit, is switched on and not on silent
- Try to run with a buddy, vary your routes and try to stay withinwill lit areas, avoiding deserted places
- Wear high visibility& reflective clothing during the winter months
- Care shouldbe taken when running on roads. Where there is no pavement, runners should wear hi visibility clothing and run facing oncomingtraffic
- Care should be taken off road and around livestock
- Ensure that you wear appropriate clothing and footwear for theconditions.
- On long runs (especially off road) runners should carry adequate food and water supplies